Sunday, May 6, 2012
Project 13
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
C4T #4
My last two comments have been on Jennifer Brokosfky's blog. Her blog is called A Work in Progress. She has not made any recent posts, so I looked in her archives and found some interesting posts.
C4T #4 Post 1: For this post, I chose a post entitled Driving to Mathematical Success-Gradual Release of Responsibilty. In this post, Ms. Brokosfky compares teaching mathematics to teaching someone to drive. I like her analogy because it really gets her point across. She states that the teacher "takes the wheel" for a while and demonstrates how to do the math work. She then says that often teachers "get out of the car and ask the students to keep driving". Ms. Brokosfky says this is too much independence for the students too soon. She states that the teachers should "sit in the passenger seat" for a little while before releasing the students completely. This analogy ties into the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model, which was first created in 1993 by Pearson and Gallagher. This model outlines the process of teaching necessary to promote independent application of skills and understanding. In this model, teachers gradually decrease their level of support as students demonstrate understanding, but increases their level pf support if students are struggling.
In my comment, I said that I agree with this model, especially when it comes to teaching mathematics. Math can often be the most difficult subject for a student, therefore, the level of support a teacher gives needs to be based on each individual student. I also said that I like her driving analogy because it really does go hand in hand with the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model.
C4T #4 Post 2: For this post, I commented on a post entitled Creating a Math Rich Classroom. In this post, Ms. Brokosfky gives her ideas for different math stations that can be placed in the classroom to get the students more engaged in mathematics. She suggested a math corner. This can include baskets with manipulatives and graphic organizers the students might need to complete activities (such as blank Venn Diagrams). She also suggests having a book shelf with books that have a mathematical slant or theme to them.
In my comment, I said that I think it is extremely important to have activities in the classroom that will get the students more engaged in math. I also said that math is a difficult subject for students, but it is one of the most important subjects we learn in elementary school. Therefore, it is nice to read about some great ideas to get the students interested in learning mathematics.
Final Summary of my PLN
I created a PLN on symbaloo a couple of months ago. At first, I did not use it very often but then I decided to set it as my homepage. Once I set it as my homepage, I realized how convenient having a PLN really is. My favorite part is being able to click on the icon and it takes you directly to that website. It is so much more convenient than typing in the web address. Some of the resources I have on my PLN are teacher tube, school tube, you tube, facebook, twitter, amazon, blogger, apple, and I really have enjoyed using my personal learning network and I look forward to continuing to use it through out my career.
Blog Assignment #13- E-Media Fast
When I first read this assignment I knew it would be a challenge for me. However, I did not anticipate how difficult this challenge would be. The assignment was to go 24 hours without using any device powered by electricity or batteries. The banned items include cellphones, computers, televisions, and mp3 players. The challenge also stated that if we fail the challenge within the 24 hours, we are supposed to start over. Three times is the maximum amount of times we can start over.
I knew it would be difficult for me to complete this challenge, but I honestly did not expect to have to start over. I had to start over the maximum three times and I could not go the full 24 hours without using the banned items. Television was the easiest item to give up, there is never anything good on anyways. The most difficult item to give up was my cellphone. We do not have a land line at my house, so cellphones are what we use to keep in contact with one another. I told my family and friends about the challenge and told them not to text or call me for 24 hours. Most of my friends stuck to their word, but my mom and my husband still called and messaged me.
Another difficult item to give up was my computer. All of my classes this semester require the use of the internet. Therefore, 80% of my homework has to be completed online. Although I have to complete my homework online, I have to admit I mostly use the internet for personal use. Not getting on Facebook and Twitter for 24 hours was quite a challenge! I stuck to not getting on Twitter for 24 hours, but I gave in on the Facebook challenge.
This challenge has opened my eyes to how much I rely on technology. I rely on it not only in my personal life, but also in my academic life as well. Although I do know that at some point in my life I was not so reliant on technology, I cannot remember what that was like. I can only imagine what my students will be like when I begin teaching. When I was in elementary school, there was no need for rules about cellphones or text messaging. Nowadays, there has to be rules about cellphones because the majority of children have cell phones. On one hand, it is a good thing that children are getting used to technology because they will definitely need it throughout their schooling and when they start their careers. However, on the other hand, too much technology does not allow children the full experience of being children. For example, kids play video games rather than going outside to play; kids as young as five years old are getting cellphones. My parents did not allow me to get a cell phone until I was 16 when I began driving and at that point, a cell phone was necessary. I am in favor of children having access to technology; however, I am not in favor of children being completely engulfed by technology (such as cellphones and mp3 players).
In closing, I think that technology is a wonderful tool for children that can be used in classrooms and at home. I also think that kids' use of technology should be monitored and controlled so they do not become completely reliant on technology.
I knew it would be difficult for me to complete this challenge, but I honestly did not expect to have to start over. I had to start over the maximum three times and I could not go the full 24 hours without using the banned items. Television was the easiest item to give up, there is never anything good on anyways. The most difficult item to give up was my cellphone. We do not have a land line at my house, so cellphones are what we use to keep in contact with one another. I told my family and friends about the challenge and told them not to text or call me for 24 hours. Most of my friends stuck to their word, but my mom and my husband still called and messaged me.
This challenge has opened my eyes to how much I rely on technology. I rely on it not only in my personal life, but also in my academic life as well. Although I do know that at some point in my life I was not so reliant on technology, I cannot remember what that was like. I can only imagine what my students will be like when I begin teaching. When I was in elementary school, there was no need for rules about cellphones or text messaging. Nowadays, there has to be rules about cellphones because the majority of children have cell phones. On one hand, it is a good thing that children are getting used to technology because they will definitely need it throughout their schooling and when they start their careers. However, on the other hand, too much technology does not allow children the full experience of being children. For example, kids play video games rather than going outside to play; kids as young as five years old are getting cellphones. My parents did not allow me to get a cell phone until I was 16 when I began driving and at that point, a cell phone was necessary. I am in favor of children having access to technology; however, I am not in favor of children being completely engulfed by technology (such as cellphones and mp3 players).
In closing, I think that technology is a wonderful tool for children that can be used in classrooms and at home. I also think that kids' use of technology should be monitored and controlled so they do not become completely reliant on technology.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Creativity and Curiosity:My Thoughts-Special Post #12A
A curriculum to increase student's creativity could be created. The curriculum could include activities which require the students to draw or paint. Also, the new curriculum could include thinking activities. These activities could be writing activities. For example, if the children were learning about the Native Americans in history, the assignment could be "imagine you are a Native American chief, describe what a day in your life would be like". An assignment such as this could spark students' creativity and really make them think about what they are learning.
A teacher is the glue that holds the classroom together. The actions of the teacher can encourage or sometimes severely discourage a student. I believe that a teacher can contribute to the students' creativity and curiosity. Teachers can contribute to the students' creativity by encouraging them to think outside of the box and always reassuring them. As I mentioned above, a teacher can contribute to the students' curiosity by having them look up the answers to their questions instead of just answering if for them.
Now that I am an adult, my creativity has been stilted since I was a kid. Part of that comes from my fear of what others will think. Another part of it comes from the fear of whether or not my creativity is what my teachers are looking for. More often than not, I would rather stick to what is safe rather than think outside of the box and receive a poor grade on an assignment. A downfall to this perspective is when I am told to be creative on an assignment, I have to think long and hard about what to do. I would like to be more creative, but honestly, I am not sure what can make me be more creative. I do feel that the assignments I have had in this class have contributed tremendously to my creativity. I think if all of my classes had more open-ended assignments like this class, I would feel more comfortable with being creative.
My curiosity level is not as low as some. When there is something being discussed in class that interests me, I will go home and look it up and try to learn more about it. However, if the topic does not interest me, I am not curious about it at all; I just want to learn what I have to about it so I will pass the test. Honestly, I am not sure how I can be broken of this habit. I believe it is a result of being in school for so long and always being taught to just worry about what will be on the test. Now that I am in college and taking classes that are relevant to my career, I am more curious about the topics.
When I become a teacher, I hope I can break the cycle of killing students' creativity and curiosity. I will always do my best to encourage my students and let them know that is okay to not always be perfect or just like everyone else.
Who is Elli??
Elspeth Bishop is a writer for She enjoys sports such as tennis and she also enjoys hiking. She was born and raised in Colorado.
C4K Summary #3:April
C4K #8- I commented on Emma's blog again. Emma is a seventh grader from Canada. This week, I commented on her post entitled "What is Pink Shirt Day?". In her post, Emma explains that Pink Shirt Day is an anti-bullying day when everyone wears a pink shirt. The reason Pink Shirt Day was started is because of a boy who got bullied in Nova Scotia for wearing a pink shirt to school. The boy who was bullied used social media networks to reach out to other students. He asked the other students at his school to wear pink shirts. One day everyone, except the bullies, came to school wearing pink shirts.
In my comment, I said that I like the idea of Pink Shirt Day. I also said that people should be able to be who they are or wear want they want with out being bullied. I also asked her when Pink Shirt Day is so I can participate in it. I have not gotten a response yet.
In my comment, I said that I was excited when I first started blogging as well. I also told her that I am fairly new to blogging and I still had a lot to learn. I said that I have learned how to add pictures and videos to my blog and it makes it more interesting. I also said that blogging has helped with my writing skills. In closing, I told her she was doing a great job and I could not wait to read more of her posts.
In my comment, I said that it sounded like she did have a wonderful weekend. I said that I like going to the beach and getting in the water. She also drew a picture of herself at the beach and Ia told her she did a good job drawing the picture. I also told her to keep up the great work.
Progress Report on Final Project
I am in a group with LaWana Threatt. We have been communicating with each other through email. We have also met in person two times to discuss projects 15 and 16. We have decided to do a lesson plan for kindergarten on the four seasons of the year for project 15. We have been discussing different ideas for our final project, but we have not completely decided what we are going to do yet.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Blog Assignment #12
For this post, we were supposed to make up an assignment and then do it. Since I am trying to become an elementary teacher, I made my assignment based on elementary education. The assignment is as follows:
1. Go to
2. Explore the website and look at all of the different resources and games on the website
3. After exploring the website, choose three games or resources you would like to use in your future classroom. Discuss why you would like to use these games or resources in your future classroom.
The first game I would use is the animal classification hangman. The game is like regular hangman, except it gives the students clues for which animal they are trying to guess. Instead of the typical hangman, this game shows a picture of fish and a whale coming after them. If you guess the word correctly, the whale does not eat the fish. However, if you do not guess the correct word, the whale eats the fish. I would use this game because I think it is a fun and creative way to get students familiar with different animals and their classifications.
The second game I would use is a math game. Because math can be such a daunting subject for children to learn, a game is a good way to get them interested in learning math. The game I chose is a measurement game. It shows a teddy bear up against a ruler and asks how big the teddy bear is. I like this game because it gives the students the opportunity to learn how to measure different things.
The third game is an American Sign Language translator. Because I would like to teach at a school for deaf children, I believe this is an extremely useful resource for my future classroom. This particular resource allows you to type in a word and then it will translate it into American Sign Language. I would use this resource in an all deaf classroom and also in a hearing classroom as well. I believe it is important for children to learn at least some sign language and be exposed to something that is different from what they are used to.
I have chosen only 3 resources from this website, but is full of games and resources. I recommend this website to anyone who is going to be or already is an elementary teacher.
1. Go to
2. Explore the website and look at all of the different resources and games on the website
3. After exploring the website, choose three games or resources you would like to use in your future classroom. Discuss why you would like to use these games or resources in your future classroom.
The second game I would use is a math game. Because math can be such a daunting subject for children to learn, a game is a good way to get them interested in learning math. The game I chose is a measurement game. It shows a teddy bear up against a ruler and asks how big the teddy bear is. I like this game because it gives the students the opportunity to learn how to measure different things.
The third game is an American Sign Language translator. Because I would like to teach at a school for deaf children, I believe this is an extremely useful resource for my future classroom. This particular resource allows you to type in a word and then it will translate it into American Sign Language. I would use this resource in an all deaf classroom and also in a hearing classroom as well. I believe it is important for children to learn at least some sign language and be exposed to something that is different from what they are used to.
I have chosen only 3 resources from this website, but is full of games and resources. I recommend this website to anyone who is going to be or already is an elementary teacher.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Blog Assignment #11
Little Kids...Big Potential:
I really enjoyed watching the students in Little Kids....Big Potential. It is fascinating to see how far elementary school has come since I was attending it. I think Ms. Cassidy's approach to technology is very commendable. She mentioned that she has been using a class web page for ten years now. This fact really stuck out to me because the internet and technology were not as much of a necessity ten years ago as they are now. It is great that she was teaching her students ten years ago to use the internet because now they are in high school and I am sure they are needing the internet on a daily basis. I also like the fact that she sends an informative letter and waiver home to the parents at the beginning of the year explaining that the children are going to be doing work online through out the school year. This keeps the parents informed and lets them know what their children will be doing. It also allows the parents to be more involved and open about the use of technology.
When I have my own classroom, I would like to use all of the techniques Ms. Cassidy uses. My favorite technique that she uses in her classroom is the class blog. I think it is so important for the children to have access to other students around the world. The class blog gives the children the opportunity to learn about other cultures and rituals. A class blog also helps with spelling and grammar. Although spell check can sometimes be annoying, for a young student it could be very beneficial. Not only does spell check tell you the word is misspelled, it also gives the correct spelling. A class blog can also encourage shy children to open up more about themselves. They probably will tend to be more willing to write about themselves and have it be read by someone across the world (and their fellow classmates) than they would be to stand in front of the class and talk about themselves. The use of the wiki is very beneficial to the students as well. Their different wikis allow them to read about other cultures, rituals, and traditions. Another great tool Ms. Cassidy uses is having the experts talk to her class via Skype. I think this is an amazing idea; imagine learning about something and having an expert on the topic only seconds away!
As I mentioned before, it is fascinating to see how much technology is being used in elementary classrooms as compared to when I was in elementary school (which wasn't THAT long ago). I can only imagine what kind of technology will be being used ten years from now. As a future educator, I am extremely excited about what the future holds. The use of technology in the classroom makes the possibilities for learning literally endless. It also requires teachers to constantly learn new things, which I believe is the key to being an excellent teacher.
I really enjoyed watching the students in Little Kids....Big Potential. It is fascinating to see how far elementary school has come since I was attending it. I think Ms. Cassidy's approach to technology is very commendable. She mentioned that she has been using a class web page for ten years now. This fact really stuck out to me because the internet and technology were not as much of a necessity ten years ago as they are now. It is great that she was teaching her students ten years ago to use the internet because now they are in high school and I am sure they are needing the internet on a daily basis. I also like the fact that she sends an informative letter and waiver home to the parents at the beginning of the year explaining that the children are going to be doing work online through out the school year. This keeps the parents informed and lets them know what their children will be doing. It also allows the parents to be more involved and open about the use of technology.
When I have my own classroom, I would like to use all of the techniques Ms. Cassidy uses. My favorite technique that she uses in her classroom is the class blog. I think it is so important for the children to have access to other students around the world. The class blog gives the children the opportunity to learn about other cultures and rituals. A class blog also helps with spelling and grammar. Although spell check can sometimes be annoying, for a young student it could be very beneficial. Not only does spell check tell you the word is misspelled, it also gives the correct spelling. A class blog can also encourage shy children to open up more about themselves. They probably will tend to be more willing to write about themselves and have it be read by someone across the world (and their fellow classmates) than they would be to stand in front of the class and talk about themselves. The use of the wiki is very beneficial to the students as well. Their different wikis allow them to read about other cultures, rituals, and traditions. Another great tool Ms. Cassidy uses is having the experts talk to her class via Skype. I think this is an amazing idea; imagine learning about something and having an expert on the topic only seconds away!
As I mentioned before, it is fascinating to see how much technology is being used in elementary classrooms as compared to when I was in elementary school (which wasn't THAT long ago). I can only imagine what kind of technology will be being used ten years from now. As a future educator, I am extremely excited about what the future holds. The use of technology in the classroom makes the possibilities for learning literally endless. It also requires teachers to constantly learn new things, which I believe is the key to being an excellent teacher.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Blog Assignment #10
Do you Teach or Educate?
I enjoyed watching the video, Do You Teach or Educate?. The video got the point across clearly and precisely. The video made me think about why I decided to become an education major. I decided to become an education major largely because of helping my stepson. He was 7 when he started living with me and he asked me to help him with his homework every night. I enjoyed helping him with his homework and I loved when he came home and excitedly showed me his good grades. I realized that I enjoy helping kids learn.
I want to strive to be an educator rather than just a teacher. Educators encourage students to be themselves and let them know it is okay to make mistakes. Instead of just standing in front of the class and feeding them information, I would like to involve the students in the teaching process. I would like to hold class discussions and make the students feel comfortable to share their opinions. When I start my career, I will do my best to be an educator and not just a teacher.
Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home
While reading Don't Let Them Take The Pencils Home, I felt intrigued by the message of it. I could not agree more with Mr. Johnson more when he brings up standardized testing, or as he calls them, "drill-and-kill bubble tests". I do not think they measure authentic learning. I also like that Mr. Johnson is focusing on finding a solution for the problem rather than focusing on the problem itself.
Teachers often focus too much on making sure their test scores come out to meet the stat standards. While that is an important factor, what about whether or not the students are actually learning anything? As mentioned before, standardized tests do not properly measure authentic learning. Any child can guess the right answer and the machines who grade them have no inclination of it. In Mr. Johnson's post, he states activities children can do with pencils and truly uses them as a learning tool. He wants to make sure that the students are actually learning, not simply just filling in some bubbles on a test. "Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home" is an excellent read as is the entire Adventures of Pencil Integration blog. "Don't Let Them..." is truly a must read for any future teacher as well as any current teacher who has not yet read it.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Blog Assignment #9
Mr. McClung's Posts...
I read Mr. McClung's first two posts, What I've Learned This Year (2008-2009) and What I learned This Year (2009-2010). I really enjoyed reading about everything he has learned over the past 2 years. I think that a major misconception that many education students and new teachers have is that once we get our degree, the learning is over. However, this cannot be further from the truth and I believe Mr. McClung's posts prove that to be so. As Mr. McClung's posts imply, being a teacher is all about learning and adapting to a new circumstance. Whether the new circumstance be a new subject, a new school, a new grade, or a new class at the beginning of the year, teachers must always learn to "go with the flow".
One thing that many education students (myself included) and new teachers are guilty of is setting their mind on what grade they want to teach. Just because I want to teach second grade does not mean that I will come right out of school and start teaching second grade. Mr. McClung wrote that he had never taught 8th graders and he was not sure how to go about it. He had to learn how to adapt to the new grade and the new subjects he was teaching.
Another important point that Mr. McClung wrote about was making lessons student-oriented. It is so important to make sure our lessons are geared toward the students and not towards our superiors. Also, Mr. McClung also wrote that we need to realize that the lesson plans that we write and the ones that we teach are going to vary. I believe when I become a teacher that this will be one of my biggest challenges. I am the type of person who wants everything to go according to plan. However, with children, that's often not the case. Mr. McClung wrote that he had to learn not to beat himself up for all of the little things that did not go according to plan. Teachers are going to have lesson plans that did not go well or did not go according to plan.
When I become a teacher, I am going to do my best to remember all of the things Mr. McClung has written about. His blogs are very informative and they will be something that I refer back to when I become a teacher.
I read Mr. McClung's first two posts, What I've Learned This Year (2008-2009) and What I learned This Year (2009-2010). I really enjoyed reading about everything he has learned over the past 2 years. I think that a major misconception that many education students and new teachers have is that once we get our degree, the learning is over. However, this cannot be further from the truth and I believe Mr. McClung's posts prove that to be so. As Mr. McClung's posts imply, being a teacher is all about learning and adapting to a new circumstance. Whether the new circumstance be a new subject, a new school, a new grade, or a new class at the beginning of the year, teachers must always learn to "go with the flow".
One thing that many education students (myself included) and new teachers are guilty of is setting their mind on what grade they want to teach. Just because I want to teach second grade does not mean that I will come right out of school and start teaching second grade. Mr. McClung wrote that he had never taught 8th graders and he was not sure how to go about it. He had to learn how to adapt to the new grade and the new subjects he was teaching.
Another important point that Mr. McClung wrote about was making lessons student-oriented. It is so important to make sure our lessons are geared toward the students and not towards our superiors. Also, Mr. McClung also wrote that we need to realize that the lesson plans that we write and the ones that we teach are going to vary. I believe when I become a teacher that this will be one of my biggest challenges. I am the type of person who wants everything to go according to plan. However, with children, that's often not the case. Mr. McClung wrote that he had to learn not to beat himself up for all of the little things that did not go according to plan. Teachers are going to have lesson plans that did not go well or did not go according to plan.
When I become a teacher, I am going to do my best to remember all of the things Mr. McClung has written about. His blogs are very informative and they will be something that I refer back to when I become a teacher.
Friday, March 30, 2012
C4T Post #3
For the past 2 weeks I have been assigned to Jennifer Brokofsky's blog. Her blog is called A Work in Progress.
Last week I commented on a post entitled Purposeful Practice. In this post, Jennifer discusses her children's sports practices and how often they are required to practice. Jennifer suggests that if children practiced school work as much as they did sports then they would not have as much difficulty in school. Also, she says that children should be encouraged, even when they make mistakes. She also says that there is no such thing as perfect practice and children need to understand that no one expects them to be perfect.
In my comment I said that I agree with her post. I also said that I feel it is very important to encourage children and make sure they understand that it is okay to make mistakes. I hope when I become a teacher I can motivate my students and encourage them to always do their best.
This week I commented on a blog post called The Mad Minute-A Tragic Tale of Defeat and Remorse. In this post, she tells the story of a young preparing to take a timed math quiz and feeling defeated in the end because she did not do well on the quiz. The girl asked the teacher why they have to take the timed assessment (called the Mad Minute) and the teacher responds by saying the Mad Minute makes the kids learn their math basics. When the young girl grows up, she becomes a teacher and has her students do the same Mad Minute exercise. She realizes that the Mad Minute is not a good idea because it leaves the students feeling defeated and frustrated. She goes on to say that teachers need to assess children, not just use one tool to evaluate them. She also says that teaching math (or any subject for that matter) is about developing student competence as well as confidence.
In my comment, I said that I had a similar timed assessment when I was younger and I was always the student who left feeling defeated. I said I also feel that teachers need to make sure their students leave the classroom every day feeling motivated and confident in their work.
Last week I commented on a post entitled Purposeful Practice. In this post, Jennifer discusses her children's sports practices and how often they are required to practice. Jennifer suggests that if children practiced school work as much as they did sports then they would not have as much difficulty in school. Also, she says that children should be encouraged, even when they make mistakes. She also says that there is no such thing as perfect practice and children need to understand that no one expects them to be perfect.
In my comment I said that I agree with her post. I also said that I feel it is very important to encourage children and make sure they understand that it is okay to make mistakes. I hope when I become a teacher I can motivate my students and encourage them to always do their best.
This week I commented on a blog post called The Mad Minute-A Tragic Tale of Defeat and Remorse. In this post, she tells the story of a young preparing to take a timed math quiz and feeling defeated in the end because she did not do well on the quiz. The girl asked the teacher why they have to take the timed assessment (called the Mad Minute) and the teacher responds by saying the Mad Minute makes the kids learn their math basics. When the young girl grows up, she becomes a teacher and has her students do the same Mad Minute exercise. She realizes that the Mad Minute is not a good idea because it leaves the students feeling defeated and frustrated. She goes on to say that teachers need to assess children, not just use one tool to evaluate them. She also says that teaching math (or any subject for that matter) is about developing student competence as well as confidence.
In my comment, I said that I had a similar timed assessment when I was younger and I was always the student who left feeling defeated. I said I also feel that teachers need to make sure their students leave the classroom every day feeling motivated and confident in their work.
C4K Summary #2
C4K #6- Last week I commented on Dylan's blog. Dylan is a fourth grade student. His post was very short because he was sick and stayed home from school. He made up a poem about how sick he was and how much he hated to be sick. In my comment, I told him that I hate being sick too. I also told him that his poem was very creative and I hope that he was feeling better.
C4K 7- This week I commented on Emma's post. Emma is a seventh grader from Canada. In her post, Emma lists "7 Random Facts" about herself. Among her facts are her favorite colors, her favorite animals, how many animals she has, and what she likes to do. Her favorite colors are blue, brown, turquoise, and aqua. Her favorite animals are panda bears, giraffes, and bunnies. She said that she has a ton of fish and she has 2 chickens and 2 bunnies. She also said she has 2 forests in her backyard and 1 forest in her front yard. She also said that she has a trampoline.
In my comment, I told Emma that I have a goldfish named Roger and I used to have a black and white rabbit named Oreo. I also told her that I love the colors turquoise and aqua too. I told her that I have a trampoline as well and I love to jump on it. I also told her that my dog even likes to jump on our trampoline. I asked her what kind of fish she has and told her to keep up the great work.
C4K 7- This week I commented on Emma's post. Emma is a seventh grader from Canada. In her post, Emma lists "7 Random Facts" about herself. Among her facts are her favorite colors, her favorite animals, how many animals she has, and what she likes to do. Her favorite colors are blue, brown, turquoise, and aqua. Her favorite animals are panda bears, giraffes, and bunnies. She said that she has a ton of fish and she has 2 chickens and 2 bunnies. She also said she has 2 forests in her backyard and 1 forest in her front yard. She also said that she has a trampoline.
In my comment, I told Emma that I have a goldfish named Roger and I used to have a black and white rabbit named Oreo. I also told her that I love the colors turquoise and aqua too. I told her that I have a trampoline as well and I love to jump on it. I also told her that my dog even likes to jump on our trampoline. I asked her what kind of fish she has and told her to keep up the great work.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Blog Assignment #8
This is How We Dream, Parts 1&2:
In this video, Dr. Richard Miller gave an amazing presentation on how technology is being used and how it could be used in teaching. I was amazed while watching his presentation. So many fascinating things can be done with technology; the possibilities truly are endless. Technology opens so many doors for teachers and students alike.
In the video, Dr. Miller talks about eliminating paper and pens altogether and having the students complete everything on the computer. This has already happened in many college classes (such as this one), but it is not so common in elementary/middle/high schools. I believe the elimination of paper and pen is a good idea, but will have to be introduced slowly. I think I am prepared to write with multimedia. I also think that once children get used to writing this way, they will be able to do it with little problems.
This new way of writing and learning also changes a teacher's role in the classroom. The internet holds any information a student might need; teachers are no longer a source of information for students. A teacher's role should be teaching students what is good information and what is bad information. Although the internet has endless information, not all of it is reliable. Students should be able to differentiate between reliable and unreliable information. That is where teachers come in.
I really enjoyed Dr. Miller's presentation. It was fascinating to watch him quickly demonstrate numerous possibilities that technology allows. I look forward to continuing to learn about technology and to one day bring it to my classroom.
Carly's Post
Carly's idea was very creative. I think that she really embraced Dr. Miller's idea of writing with multimedia. I really like her youtube playlist idea. Her post is well-written and grabs the attention of the reader immediately. I agree that some people are visual learners and do not like to read as much as someone else might like to. By using videos, it will get the children interested in the stories and make them want to learn more about them. Like Carly said, videos are not the only thing out there, we could also use podcasts and blogs as tools to motivate the students.
EDM310 is Different
I really enjoyed watching EDM310 for Dummies. The video was funny and entertaining. I have to admit, I have felt like the girls in the beginning of the video. EDM310 is a very different class than what I am used to taking. However, I am proud to say that I have learned so much from EDM310. Before this class, I thought Twitter was just a site that self-absorbed celebrities used, but now I see that Twitter can actually be used for educational purposes. I think the video was a great idea. It was a creative way to show us that if we stay positive and use the resources that have been provided to us, we will not have as much difficulty in this class. I would like to create a funny and entertaining video as well.
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
Learn to Change, Change to Learn showed experienced educators discussing how much education has changed. Whether we like to admit it, change in education is necessary. Children need to be taught more about technology and social media networks because that is all that is around them. If they are not taught how to use social media networks and technology at school, they will have to learn it elsewhere. Isn't the purpose of going to school to learn? Children should not have to learn elsewhere, technology and social media should be incorporated into school so they will be prepared for the "real world" when they complete school. One of the teachers on the video said that kids are getting a more stimulating experience outside of school than they are at school. This should not be the case, but unfortunately it is in so many circumstances. By bringing social media networks and other technology to school, children will learn so much more and have a stimulating experience inside of the classroom. When I become a teacher, I want my students to enjoy learning and I want to encourage them to be creative and have fun.
Scavenger Hunt
Using Discovery Education Web 20.11, we were assigned to do a scavenger hunt. Here is what I found:
1) We were asked to find the tool that was used to create Teaching in the 21st Century. The website I believe was used is called Prezi. Prezi can turn ordinary presentations into something that is more enjoyable to watch than just plain slides. The pricing that Prezi offers to teachers is free for a package called EDU enjoy or $59 a year for a package called EDU pro. The free package only offers 500MB worth of storage space, while the 59 dollar package offers 2 GB worth of storage. Also, the 59 dollar package offers Prezi desktop, which allows you to work on presentations without an internet connection. If a teacher wanted to use Prezi for several projects, I would highly recommend getting the 59 dollar package.
2) We were asked to find a video tool that we have never used. I have never used The website looks very interesting. You can upload a photo of your face and create an online avatar with it. You can decide what kind of body and clothes your avatar has. It looks like a lot of fun to create and avatar.
3) We were to create a poll. I used Here is my poll:
Build television sms voting polls at Poll Everywhere
In this video, Dr. Richard Miller gave an amazing presentation on how technology is being used and how it could be used in teaching. I was amazed while watching his presentation. So many fascinating things can be done with technology; the possibilities truly are endless. Technology opens so many doors for teachers and students alike.
In the video, Dr. Miller talks about eliminating paper and pens altogether and having the students complete everything on the computer. This has already happened in many college classes (such as this one), but it is not so common in elementary/middle/high schools. I believe the elimination of paper and pen is a good idea, but will have to be introduced slowly. I think I am prepared to write with multimedia. I also think that once children get used to writing this way, they will be able to do it with little problems.
This new way of writing and learning also changes a teacher's role in the classroom. The internet holds any information a student might need; teachers are no longer a source of information for students. A teacher's role should be teaching students what is good information and what is bad information. Although the internet has endless information, not all of it is reliable. Students should be able to differentiate between reliable and unreliable information. That is where teachers come in.
I really enjoyed Dr. Miller's presentation. It was fascinating to watch him quickly demonstrate numerous possibilities that technology allows. I look forward to continuing to learn about technology and to one day bring it to my classroom.
Carly's Post
Carly's idea was very creative. I think that she really embraced Dr. Miller's idea of writing with multimedia. I really like her youtube playlist idea. Her post is well-written and grabs the attention of the reader immediately. I agree that some people are visual learners and do not like to read as much as someone else might like to. By using videos, it will get the children interested in the stories and make them want to learn more about them. Like Carly said, videos are not the only thing out there, we could also use podcasts and blogs as tools to motivate the students.
EDM310 is Different
I really enjoyed watching EDM310 for Dummies. The video was funny and entertaining. I have to admit, I have felt like the girls in the beginning of the video. EDM310 is a very different class than what I am used to taking. However, I am proud to say that I have learned so much from EDM310. Before this class, I thought Twitter was just a site that self-absorbed celebrities used, but now I see that Twitter can actually be used for educational purposes. I think the video was a great idea. It was a creative way to show us that if we stay positive and use the resources that have been provided to us, we will not have as much difficulty in this class. I would like to create a funny and entertaining video as well.
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
Learn to Change, Change to Learn showed experienced educators discussing how much education has changed. Whether we like to admit it, change in education is necessary. Children need to be taught more about technology and social media networks because that is all that is around them. If they are not taught how to use social media networks and technology at school, they will have to learn it elsewhere. Isn't the purpose of going to school to learn? Children should not have to learn elsewhere, technology and social media should be incorporated into school so they will be prepared for the "real world" when they complete school. One of the teachers on the video said that kids are getting a more stimulating experience outside of school than they are at school. This should not be the case, but unfortunately it is in so many circumstances. By bringing social media networks and other technology to school, children will learn so much more and have a stimulating experience inside of the classroom. When I become a teacher, I want my students to enjoy learning and I want to encourage them to be creative and have fun.
Scavenger Hunt
Using Discovery Education Web 20.11, we were assigned to do a scavenger hunt. Here is what I found:
1) We were asked to find the tool that was used to create Teaching in the 21st Century. The website I believe was used is called Prezi. Prezi can turn ordinary presentations into something that is more enjoyable to watch than just plain slides. The pricing that Prezi offers to teachers is free for a package called EDU enjoy or $59 a year for a package called EDU pro. The free package only offers 500MB worth of storage space, while the 59 dollar package offers 2 GB worth of storage. Also, the 59 dollar package offers Prezi desktop, which allows you to work on presentations without an internet connection. If a teacher wanted to use Prezi for several projects, I would highly recommend getting the 59 dollar package.
2) We were asked to find a video tool that we have never used. I have never used The website looks very interesting. You can upload a photo of your face and create an online avatar with it. You can decide what kind of body and clothes your avatar has. It looks like a lot of fun to create and avatar.
3) We were to create a poll. I used Here is my poll:

Sunday, March 11, 2012
My PLN...
I have to be honest and say that before I watched the assigned videos, I was not exactly sure what a PLN was or how it could be useful. However, after watching the videos, I see that a PLN can be a very useful tool. I like that all my information can be so organized and on one screen. So far, I have created my webmix and I am in the process of adding contacts and websites to it. My PLN is not as advanced as the 7th grader's is in the video. However, I am looking forward to learning more about the PLN and how to use it.
C4T Post #2
David Wees
David Wees' blog is called 21st Century Educator. The blog post I commented on was entitled "What is the Purpose of Social Media?". In his blog post, David discusses different social media websites, such as Twitter, and their use in the classroom. He goes on to say that the #edchat channel has been overtaken by advertisements and off topic links. He refers to this clutter as "noise" on the internet. David continues by saying computers are a very powerful tool in the classroom. However, he believes people should use social media networks for their intended purpose and not as a source for advertisement.
In my comment, I said that I agree that the links and advertisements on the internet have gotten out of control. I also agreed that computers can be powerful tools; however, I also believe that students often get too distracted by social media networks. I also agreed that people should use the social media networks for their intended purposes and do their best to cut back on making too much "noise" on the internet.
David Wees' blog is called 21st Century Educator. The blog post I commented on was entitled "What is the Purpose of Social Media?". In his blog post, David discusses different social media websites, such as Twitter, and their use in the classroom. He goes on to say that the #edchat channel has been overtaken by advertisements and off topic links. He refers to this clutter as "noise" on the internet. David continues by saying computers are a very powerful tool in the classroom. However, he believes people should use social media networks for their intended purpose and not as a source for advertisement.
In my comment, I said that I agree that the links and advertisements on the internet have gotten out of control. I also agreed that computers can be powerful tools; however, I also believe that students often get too distracted by social media networks. I also agreed that people should use the social media networks for their intended purposes and do their best to cut back on making too much "noise" on the internet.
Blog Assignment #7
The Networked Student
I enjoyed watching The Networked Student, I like how the video was set up. Before taking this class and watching this video, I had never heard of a Personal Learning Network (PLN). At first, I was not sure if I would like the idea of a PLN, but after watching Wendy Drexler's video, I see why a PLN is so useful. The internet opens up so many possibilities for students today. I do not think about how much technology has changed learning because I am so used to it. However, even though I have grown up with computers and technology, there is still so much I do not know.
The video asks "why does a networked student need a teacher". The video does a nice job in answering this question. I networked student needs a teacher to show him/her how to create his/her PLN. Also, the teacher can provide guidance and advice. The video also points out that a teacher is there to help the networked student learn how to differentiate between good information and propaganda. I think that is the most important job of a teacher of a networked student because the internet is full of false information.
I believe I am ready to be a teacher to a networked student. However, while I think the PLN idea is useful, I also believe it should be toned down a bit for elementary students. I agree that elementary students should know how to use the internet. I also agree that they should learn from other resources-not just books. I just think that the Personal Learning Network should start in middle or high school. Overall, I really enjoyed Ms. Drexler's video and I look forward to creating my PLN.
I enjoyed watching The Networked Student, I like how the video was set up. Before taking this class and watching this video, I had never heard of a Personal Learning Network (PLN). At first, I was not sure if I would like the idea of a PLN, but after watching Wendy Drexler's video, I see why a PLN is so useful. The internet opens up so many possibilities for students today. I do not think about how much technology has changed learning because I am so used to it. However, even though I have grown up with computers and technology, there is still so much I do not know.
The video asks "why does a networked student need a teacher". The video does a nice job in answering this question. I networked student needs a teacher to show him/her how to create his/her PLN. Also, the teacher can provide guidance and advice. The video also points out that a teacher is there to help the networked student learn how to differentiate between good information and propaganda. I think that is the most important job of a teacher of a networked student because the internet is full of false information.
I believe I am ready to be a teacher to a networked student. However, while I think the PLN idea is useful, I also believe it should be toned down a bit for elementary students. I agree that elementary students should know how to use the internet. I also agree that they should learn from other resources-not just books. I just think that the Personal Learning Network should start in middle or high school. Overall, I really enjoyed Ms. Drexler's video and I look forward to creating my PLN.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Blog Assignment #6
Randy Pausch Last Lecture:
I really enjoyed watching Randy Pausch's Last Lecture. It is obvious that Dr. Pausch really enjoyed life; he only had a short time left to live and he was more optimistic than many people who are perfectly healthy. He said one thing at the beginning of is lecture that really stuck out to me, he said "experience is something you get when you don't get what you wanted". I like this quote because people often forget to look on the bright side when they do not get everything they want. The truth is, what we want might not always be what is best for us.
Dr. Pausch had three parts to his lecture: achieving his childhood dreams, helping others achieve their dreams, and lessons learned. He showed us how he achieved most of his dreams. One of his dreams was to play for the NFL. Although he never made it to the NFL, he said he learned so much more from football than he would have if he actually made it the NFL. He brought up the term "head fake", which means indirectly teaching someone something. I think "head fakes" are an extremely important part of education. Teachers can teach kids so many life lessons without the children even realizing it. In the end of his lecture, Dr. Pausch said the head fake of his lecture was that it's not about how to achieve your dreams, it's about how to live your life. His lecture did show us how to live an amazing life.
Dr. Pausch discussed a course he taught for ten years called building virtual worlds. He let the students have the freedom of coming up with their own ideas. He admitted that the students blew him away the first time he saw their virtual reality world, however, he also told them that he knew they could do better next time. This is a crucial key to teaching. Teachers should encourage children by telling them they did a good job, but at the same time, push them to do better. Dr. Pausch was pushing his students to take it to the next level and be even more creative.
I really enjoyed watching his last lecture. It is very sad that such a wonderful and inspirational man left the world so early. It is clear to see that Dr. Randy Pausch lived a very fulfilling life in his short time here. His last lecture has inspired millions of people since he recorded it. Dr. Pausch will continue to live on through that video.
I really enjoyed watching Randy Pausch's Last Lecture. It is obvious that Dr. Pausch really enjoyed life; he only had a short time left to live and he was more optimistic than many people who are perfectly healthy. He said one thing at the beginning of is lecture that really stuck out to me, he said "experience is something you get when you don't get what you wanted". I like this quote because people often forget to look on the bright side when they do not get everything they want. The truth is, what we want might not always be what is best for us.
Dr. Pausch had three parts to his lecture: achieving his childhood dreams, helping others achieve their dreams, and lessons learned. He showed us how he achieved most of his dreams. One of his dreams was to play for the NFL. Although he never made it to the NFL, he said he learned so much more from football than he would have if he actually made it the NFL. He brought up the term "head fake", which means indirectly teaching someone something. I think "head fakes" are an extremely important part of education. Teachers can teach kids so many life lessons without the children even realizing it. In the end of his lecture, Dr. Pausch said the head fake of his lecture was that it's not about how to achieve your dreams, it's about how to live your life. His lecture did show us how to live an amazing life.
Dr. Pausch discussed a course he taught for ten years called building virtual worlds. He let the students have the freedom of coming up with their own ideas. He admitted that the students blew him away the first time he saw their virtual reality world, however, he also told them that he knew they could do better next time. This is a crucial key to teaching. Teachers should encourage children by telling them they did a good job, but at the same time, push them to do better. Dr. Pausch was pushing his students to take it to the next level and be even more creative.
I really enjoyed watching his last lecture. It is very sad that such a wonderful and inspirational man left the world so early. It is clear to see that Dr. Randy Pausch lived a very fulfilling life in his short time here. His last lecture has inspired millions of people since he recorded it. Dr. Pausch will continue to live on through that video.
C4K Summary
C4K #1- For my first C4K post I was assigned to an 8th grader named Haley. Haley goes to school in New Zealand. The blog post I commented on was a story that Haley has written. The story is about a girl named Michelle who loves to swim. Michelle's number one enemy is Miranda. Michelle and Miranda are both on the swim team at school. Michelle always comes in second to Miranda, until one day she finally beats her. Miranda does not believe that Michelle can beat her again, so she challenges her to another race. The girls agree to meet on Saturday morning at the beach. Once the girls start racing, a shark attacks both of the girls. Michelle is rushed to the hospital and later discovers that Miranda has died. After Michelle discovers that Miranda is gone, she realizes that she really did like having her around. Michelle also realizes that it was pointless for her and Miranda to always argue over swimming.
In my comment, I told Haley that this a very moving story and that it really makes a person think. I also said that I believe the moral is to always be nice to people because you never know when they will be gone. I also told Haley that I thought she did a great job with writing the story. I also asked her if she has written any more stories.
C4K #2- For my second C4K assignment, I was assigned to another 8th grader named Skinner. In his post, Skinner talked about what he did over the past weekend. He said he had to go to his brother's baseball game and his own swim meet. He said he loves to swim, play soccer, and play baseball. He said on Sunday, the whole family just relaxed around the house. He also said he read a few pages from a book that he was assigned to read. He said he really enjoyed reading because books can take you anywhere in the world.
In my comment, I told him that I do not really like sports that much, but I did used to be on the softball team at school. I also told him I like to swim, but not as a sport. I also told him I love to read too and that I love books because anything can happen in them. I also asked him what his favorite book was.
C4K #3- For my third C4K assignment, I was assigned to and 8th grader named Zack. Zack is from Canada. In his blog post, Zack described a video chat he had with an 8th grader from New Orleans. Zack said that the 8th grader from New Orleans told him about the tradition of Mardi Gras. He said that they have king cakes and zulu coconuts for good luck. Zack also talked about the gold doubloons that are thrown. He said that eight million beads are thrown during New Orleans' Mardi Gras season! He aslo said that visitors come from all around the country to see New Orleans Mardi Gras.
I really liked commenting on this post because it involved Mardi Gras. In my comment, I told Zack that not many people realize that Mobile is the birthplace of Mardi Gras. I also told him that Mardi Gras is a big deal in Mobile, we just do not get as many visitors as New Orleans does. I told him about the king cakes we have here and how they hide a little plastic baby in them. I also said that people throw the gold doubloons here too. I told him I was not familiar with the zulu coconut and that we do not have them here in Mobile. I also told him that some people even put up Mardi Gras trees during Mardi Gras season.
C4K #4- For my fourth C4K, I was assigned to a 5th grader from Iowa. The students use numbers to identify themselves instead of their names. Therefore, I do not know his or her name. The student I was assigned to posted a letter he/she wrote to his/her parents. In the letter, the student argues that kids should get an allowance. He/she says that it would be cheaper to give kids an allowance so they could pay for their own stuff. The student says that, according to, kids of different ages should get different amounts every week. The student goes on to say that a child under the age of 5 should get a dollar per week, a 12 year old should get six dollars per week, and a 17 year old should get seventy-eight dollars per week! The student also says it would save the parents money because kids could pay for themselves at the movies, at restaurants, and they could pay for their own field trips.
In my comment, I said that the letter was very informative and persuasive. I also liked that the student backed up his/her point with a reference. I told him/her that I thought it is a good idea to give children at different ages different amounts of money. However, I did say that I believe $78 a week for a seventeen year old is a bit much! I told the student that he/she did a good job writing the letter, and I hope his/her took the points into consideration!
In my comment, I told Haley that this a very moving story and that it really makes a person think. I also said that I believe the moral is to always be nice to people because you never know when they will be gone. I also told Haley that I thought she did a great job with writing the story. I also asked her if she has written any more stories.
C4K #2- For my second C4K assignment, I was assigned to another 8th grader named Skinner. In his post, Skinner talked about what he did over the past weekend. He said he had to go to his brother's baseball game and his own swim meet. He said he loves to swim, play soccer, and play baseball. He said on Sunday, the whole family just relaxed around the house. He also said he read a few pages from a book that he was assigned to read. He said he really enjoyed reading because books can take you anywhere in the world.
In my comment, I told him that I do not really like sports that much, but I did used to be on the softball team at school. I also told him I like to swim, but not as a sport. I also told him I love to read too and that I love books because anything can happen in them. I also asked him what his favorite book was.
C4K #3- For my third C4K assignment, I was assigned to and 8th grader named Zack. Zack is from Canada. In his blog post, Zack described a video chat he had with an 8th grader from New Orleans. Zack said that the 8th grader from New Orleans told him about the tradition of Mardi Gras. He said that they have king cakes and zulu coconuts for good luck. Zack also talked about the gold doubloons that are thrown. He said that eight million beads are thrown during New Orleans' Mardi Gras season! He aslo said that visitors come from all around the country to see New Orleans Mardi Gras.
I really liked commenting on this post because it involved Mardi Gras. In my comment, I told Zack that not many people realize that Mobile is the birthplace of Mardi Gras. I also told him that Mardi Gras is a big deal in Mobile, we just do not get as many visitors as New Orleans does. I told him about the king cakes we have here and how they hide a little plastic baby in them. I also said that people throw the gold doubloons here too. I told him I was not familiar with the zulu coconut and that we do not have them here in Mobile. I also told him that some people even put up Mardi Gras trees during Mardi Gras season.
C4K #4- For my fourth C4K, I was assigned to a 5th grader from Iowa. The students use numbers to identify themselves instead of their names. Therefore, I do not know his or her name. The student I was assigned to posted a letter he/she wrote to his/her parents. In the letter, the student argues that kids should get an allowance. He/she says that it would be cheaper to give kids an allowance so they could pay for their own stuff. The student says that, according to, kids of different ages should get different amounts every week. The student goes on to say that a child under the age of 5 should get a dollar per week, a 12 year old should get six dollars per week, and a 17 year old should get seventy-eight dollars per week! The student also says it would save the parents money because kids could pay for themselves at the movies, at restaurants, and they could pay for their own field trips.
In my comment, I said that the letter was very informative and persuasive. I also liked that the student backed up his/her point with a reference. I told him/her that I thought it is a good idea to give children at different ages different amounts of money. However, I did say that I believe $78 a week for a seventeen year old is a bit much! I told the student that he/she did a good job writing the letter, and I hope his/her took the points into consideration!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Blog Assignment #5
"Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff, Please?"...
I really enjoyed reading "Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff, Please?", by Scott McLeod. Dr. McLeod is an associate professor and a blogger. On Dr. McLeod's website,, he provides links to his many other blogging sites. I enjoyed reading "Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff, Please?" because I liked that Dr. McLeod used reverse psychology. He listed all of the misconceptions that people have about teaching children how to use technology and turned it around in the end by saying the children who have been taught to use technology will have a "leg up" in the future. I know many parents and teachers have reservations about teaching children about technology, but whether they like it or not, the world is heading more and more in that direction.. If we do not teach children how to use technology now, they will be completely lost and unprepared for the real world when they become adults.
I really enjoyed reading "Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff, Please?", by Scott McLeod. Dr. McLeod is an associate professor and a blogger. On Dr. McLeod's website,, he provides links to his many other blogging sites. I enjoyed reading "Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff, Please?" because I liked that Dr. McLeod used reverse psychology. He listed all of the misconceptions that people have about teaching children how to use technology and turned it around in the end by saying the children who have been taught to use technology will have a "leg up" in the future. I know many parents and teachers have reservations about teaching children about technology, but whether they like it or not, the world is heading more and more in that direction.. If we do not teach children how to use technology now, they will be completely lost and unprepared for the real world when they become adults.
The iSchool Initiative..
The iSchool Initiative (Mobile Learning) was a very interesting video. Travis has an interesting idea in theory, however, I do not know how successful this iSchool program would really be. The first aspect I find questionable is the fact that there would be no face to face student-teacher interaction. This could pose a problem for some students who are not "digital learners", especially on the elementary level. Also, meeting in a classroom setting on a regular scheduled time teaches children structure and responsibility. I thinks it is a good idea to incorporate the iSchool into the traditional school setting, but I do not think it is a good idea to use it as the only form of education for students to receive. Although the iSchool would potentially save money, I do not feel students would be thoroughly prepared for the real world. Teachers play a huge part in students' academic career.Eliminating them altogether and replacing them with a machine might seem like a good idea, but it would not give the students the one on one time and the attention that so many of them need while learning new things.
Virtual Choir
The video, Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir, was fascinating. I can't believe the use of technology in this video. I also can't believe that all of these people sang their parts individually without hearing the other parts. I was in choir all four years of high school and I know how difficult it can be to blend your voice with everyone else's. I think it is amazing how fr technology has come and this video proves it. The song was beautifully put together, I loved it.
Teaching in the 21st Century..
I think the video, Teaching in the 21st Century by Kevin Roberts, portrays the message that the teachers of today need to be prepared to teach technology to children. Like the video said, teachers are no longer the main source of information, they are the filter. Students have a endless supply of information and it is the teacher's responsibility to tell them if the information is correct or not. Also, I think Mr. Roberts is saying teachers need to be constantly learning and researching things as well. Teachers can't just teach out of a text book anymore, they need to research the information and find out all they can about it. Teachers of the 21st century have to be constantly learning new things as well as teaching them; new technology comes out practically every day. Teachers need to be prepared to learn all they can about the new forms of technology so they can teach it to the children.
The website,, is very insightful. I really enjoyed exploring it because it has so many great resources on it. I like that it has a link called Reading Topics A to Z that has every reading topic you could think of, plus several ideas for teachers to go along with it. I also like that there are games on there and writing prompts. I also like the ABCs of teaching reading section. This is a very useful website and I will be using it in the future once I become a teacher.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Blog Assignment #4
First Graders Create their own Read Along Adiobook
When I read 1st Graders Create their own Adiobook, I thought it was a great idea. I love this idea because it gets the children excited about reading. I also liked the fact that the children were so enthusiastic about the assignment that they wanted to re-record their part if their voices did not sound how they wanted them too. Not only is this a creative way to get kids reading, but it also is a good way to improve their listening skills as well. The kids have to read their part, and because they want it to sound good, they will re-read the story. It improves their listening skills because they have to follow along and read the script as the podcast is playing. I also liked that they added dinosaur sounds and other sound effects. I thought the added sound effect at the beginning of a new chapter was a great idea for children who might have lost their place when following along.
When I read 1st Graders Create their own Adiobook, I thought it was a great idea. I love this idea because it gets the children excited about reading. I also liked the fact that the children were so enthusiastic about the assignment that they wanted to re-record their part if their voices did not sound how they wanted them too. Not only is this a creative way to get kids reading, but it also is a good way to improve their listening skills as well. The kids have to read their part, and because they want it to sound good, they will re-read the story. It improves their listening skills because they have to follow along and read the script as the podcast is playing. I also liked that they added dinosaur sounds and other sound effects. I thought the added sound effect at the beginning of a new chapter was a great idea for children who might have lost their place when following along.
Judy Scharf Podcast Collection
This article is very informative. I really like the list of podcast ideas that Ms. Scharf listed. I watched the video, How to Create a Podcast, and it taught me a lot of things. Before watching this video, I honestly had no idea how to make a podcast. This video shows every step of making a podcast, even how to download the software. I will definitely be referring back to this video in the future when I make my podcast.
The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom
The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom was a very interesting video. I really enjoyed seeing how the sixth grade teacher incorporated podcasting into his classroom. I thought it was a creative idea to have other teachers help him read the story in character. I think listening to story that has sound effects and people playing the characters will keep the children's attention more than just reading straight from the book. I also liked the part that showed the 3 kids creating their own podcast, they came up with a creative way to explain the different regions in the United States. After watching this video, I believe podcasting can be an important teaching tool to use in the classroom.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
C4T Post #1
The teacher I am assigned to is David Hopkins. I read quite a few of his posts and really enjoyed reading them.
The first blog post I commented on is called QR Code Trend Infographic. In the post, Mr. Hopkins discusses the numerous QR codes for smart phones that are popping up everywhere. He also speculates that companies have to offer consumers something in return for scanning the QR code. I agree with Mr. Hopkins in that consumers are not going to take their time to scan the QR code unless they will get something out of it such as discounts and coupons. Mr. Hopkins gave an example of a Calvin Klein billboard that apparently had a picture that was too racy to show the public. Therefore, consumers had to scan the QR code to see the picture. I like this example because it is not offering a discount, but instead offering a chance to view something that the average consumer cannot see with out scanning the QR code.
The second blog post I commented on is called 'Noir' Photography App. In this post, Mr. Hopkins discusses a new app that allows you to edit your photos. You can enhance the colors or change them altogether. The only draw back to the app is that it will not allow you to upload the edited photo to social networks. Hopefully they will eventually change it and allow the photos to be uploaded.
The first blog post I commented on is called QR Code Trend Infographic. In the post, Mr. Hopkins discusses the numerous QR codes for smart phones that are popping up everywhere. He also speculates that companies have to offer consumers something in return for scanning the QR code. I agree with Mr. Hopkins in that consumers are not going to take their time to scan the QR code unless they will get something out of it such as discounts and coupons. Mr. Hopkins gave an example of a Calvin Klein billboard that apparently had a picture that was too racy to show the public. Therefore, consumers had to scan the QR code to see the picture. I like this example because it is not offering a discount, but instead offering a chance to view something that the average consumer cannot see with out scanning the QR code.
The second blog post I commented on is called 'Noir' Photography App. In this post, Mr. Hopkins discusses a new app that allows you to edit your photos. You can enhance the colors or change them altogether. The only draw back to the app is that it will not allow you to upload the edited photo to social networks. Hopefully they will eventually change it and allow the photos to be uploaded.
Blog Assignment #3
Technology in Special Education
In the video Technology in Special Education, I learned a lot about the use of technology. I am sad to say I never thought of how technology could affect special education. This video showed me how many wonderful things can be done with technology. I loved when it showed Kris, who has trouble speaking. Kris' computer allowed him to spell out what he wanted to say. I also liked when it showed the boy who had trouble writing. The teacher said it used to take him a long time to complete his assignments, but now that he has a computer, he can type out his work and turn it in on time.
The video also showed that the use of technology can keep a student's attention and get him or her engaged in learning. Technology can make a classroom come to life and make the students feel like they are apart of what they are learning about. I am glad that I watched this video and saw how much technology can help students with special needs.
In the video Technology in Special Education, I learned a lot about the use of technology. I am sad to say I never thought of how technology could affect special education. This video showed me how many wonderful things can be done with technology. I loved when it showed Kris, who has trouble speaking. Kris' computer allowed him to spell out what he wanted to say. I also liked when it showed the boy who had trouble writing. The teacher said it used to take him a long time to complete his assignments, but now that he has a computer, he can type out his work and turn it in on time.
The video also showed that the use of technology can keep a student's attention and get him or her engaged in learning. Technology can make a classroom come to life and make the students feel like they are apart of what they are learning about. I am glad that I watched this video and saw how much technology can help students with special needs.
In How the iPad Works with Academics for Autism, Braden is using the iPad to help him learn. Braden's dad downloaded several apps to help Braden work on his counting, reading, and writing. In the video, it says that Braden never showed any interest in learning before they got the iPad. The counting app that Braden was using turned learning into a game. The app was colorful and it spoke to Braden, which kept his attention. I really liked watching Braden and his dad interacting with the iPad and I also enjoyed seeing the positive feedback Braden was receiving from his dad.
The app I would like to use in my classroom is called writing prompts. The app has thousands of ideas to get kids motivated to write. It will give the students a word or phrase and they have to expand their story based on the word or phrase. The iPad has allowed endless opportunities for teachers to motivate children to learn.
Gary's Social Media Count
This counter is amazing to look at; it does not stay the same for one second! It is overwhelming to think about how many things are posted on Facebook each second. Honestly, more things are shared on Facebook than I ever imagined. Another interesting count to me was the amount of videos watched on YouTube every second. I just can not believe how high the numbers are and how quickly they change!
A Vision of Students Today
A Vision of Students Today is a thought provoking video. The information that the students were holding up are a reflection of how a vast amount of college students feel. I really liked the one that said I spend hundreds of dollars on textbooks I never open. I know I can definitely relate to that one. I have had some classes that did not require a textbook. I have also had some classes that gave us the option of reading the book online for free or purchasing the ebook for under forty dollars. I really liked that the teachers were giving us options and understanding that textbooks are expensive.
The video showed a lot of statistics in it. I liked that actual college students were holding up the statistics. I understand that allowing students to bring their laptops to class can have negative consequences, but it can also open up so many learning possibilities as well. When I become a teacher, I hope to use technology in a way that will keep the children motivated and eager to learn.
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